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It is the closest relative of the human being: 98% of the genes of the chimpanzee are identical to those of the human being. It has black, smooth skin covered with hair except for the face, ears, feet and fingers of the hand. He also has a prominent arch and lips while his nose is flattened.

Chimpanzee Classification

Animal Kingdom
Phylum: Vertebrate chordate
Class: Placental mammal
Order: Haplorhine Alike Primate
Family: Catarhinian hominoid hominidpanine.
Genre: Pan
Species: wrens
Physical characteristics of the Chimpanzee:

Height: 1.7m
The male measures 1.30 to 1.70 m in a standing position while the female measures at most 1.30 m.

Weight: 70kg
On average adult males are 50 kg and adult females 40 kg, but some individuals reach 70 kg.

Longevity: 60 years
In the wild, chimpanzees can live to be 60 years old.

Speed: NA
The chimpanzee does not really run since it adopts a swaying gait leaning on its arms. This position facilitates the search for food.

Chimpanzee diet:

Diet: Omnivorous
Food: Its diet is predominantly herbivorous, fruit-eating and grain-eating: leaves, fruits and nuts constitute the basic menu of the chimpanzee. But he also delights in caterpillars, termites, ants, wild honey, bird eggs. It even occasionally hunts birds and mammals (antelopes, wild pigs, small monkeys).
Conservation of the Chimpanzee:

IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern
Protection: The chimpanzee is not really in danger except in a few regions where human activities and diseases lead to regression.
Distribution of the Chimpanzee:

Distribution Chimpanzee: The wild chimpanzee is found on the coasts and equatorial regions of Africa.
Its habitat: It lives in humid forests and savannahs: in more or less wooded areas.
Reproduction of the Chimpanzee:

Sexual maturation: The chimpanzee begins to reproduce between 13 and 16 years old.
Mating season: They can breed all year round depending on the female’s 36-day menstrual cycle.
Gestation: Gestation lasts 7 to 8 and a half months.
Scope: The female gives birth to a single young of 1.6 to 2.2 kg. Twins are indeed very rare.