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Would you like to get started with planning your next safari in Kahuzi Biega National Park. Whether you are looking to gorilla trekking or a sightseeing tour, the information below will help you plan your next trip.

The Kahuzi-Biega National Park is the new destination in East and Central Africa, for an extraordinary experience with the gorillas, surrounded by perpetual jungles of exotic and wild nature. Its primordial inactive volcanoes, not far for the peaceful and eye-catching Lake Kivu, summon climbing activities. Its proximity to the town of Bukavu, situated directly at the border with Rwanda, offers a good touristic infrastructure. The Park invites visitors with an adventurous spirit to an unparalleled discovery. The Park and its surroundings cover lost years and expose an enormous treasure of natural, cultural and historic attractions, represented by a people known as one of the most welcoming, friendly, fun and relaxed. The region surrounding the Park is transforming. Come be a part of its resurgence.

The Kahuzi-Biega National Park offers visitors the chance to admire the worlds’ largest species of primate, the Grauer’s gorillas, in a true sanctuary for biodiversity. Mounts Kahuzi and Biega, the two extinct volcanoes that have given their names to the national park, are symbols of the conservation of humid tropical mountain forests and of the species living there, including forest elephants and chimpanzees.

Visitors can choose to climb these summits to enjoy extraordinary views of the vast tracts of surrounding forest, mountains and Lake Kivu, or enjoy the network of trails taking in a stunning diversity of landscapes including tropical forests, bamboo forests, swamps and waterfalls. Spend a night camping in the park to soak up the sounds of the jungle and to truly immerse yourself in this natural paradise.

The park’s proximity to the picturesque city of Bukavu, located right on the border with Rwanda, enables visitors to pick and choose from a variety of hotels and restaurants, and to relax by the banks of Lake Kivu. The Park invites all visitors with a spirit of adventure to discover a region replete with natural, cultural and historic attractions and be welcomed by a people known for their warmth, vivacity and humour. The Kahuzi-Biega National Park was the world’s first park to offer gorilla trekking in the 1970s. Now it, along with the surrounding region, is transforming itself; come and be a part of the renaissance.

Recommended equipment:

Sturdy boots or walking shoes (Wellington Boots for example, purchase possible in Bukavu)
Pants and long-sleeved shirt
Raincoat and hat/cap
Camera: as the use of flash is strictly prohibited, adjust your camera before approaching the group
At least 1 liter of water + a small snack

Norms for Visiting Gorillas

Before your visit to the gorillas:

1. Reserve your visit permit by sending an email to the following addresses: info@kahuzi-biega.org and reservation@kahuzi-biega.org, or click on the link: www.kahuzibiega.org.

2. A maximum of 8 people per day can visit a family of habituated gorillas. This does not affect the wild life of the gorillas and reduces the contamination of diseases.

3. Only children over 15 can visit the gorillas.

4. It is recommended to wash your hands before entering the forest to visit the gorillas.

On the way to the gorillas:

1. Please always speak quietly in the forest. This will give you the opportunity to observe other treasures of nature such as birds, small primates, etc.

2. Take care of your personal items, DON’T THROW rubbish in the forest.

3. As you approach the gorillas, the guides will brief you to be prepared.

When you are with the gorillas:

1. Keep a distance of 7-10 meters from the gorillas. The further away you are, the more relaxed the gorillas will be.

2. Please always stay in a group during the tour.

3. Speak in a low voice but do not hesitate to ask questions to the guides.

4. It is forbidden to smoke, eat or drink when you are near the gorillas. Above all, do not feed gorillas or any other animals you may encounter. This is to limit the risk of disease transmission to the gorillas.

5. Sometimes gorillas charge. Please follow the guide’s instructions. Above all, do not run away, this will increase the risk that a gorilla will chase you.

6. When taking photos, move slowly, quietly, and be careful where you step. The use of flash is strictly prohibited.

7. Don’t touch the gorillas, they are wild animals.

8. The maximum time you can spend with the gorillas is one hour. However, if the gorillas are agitated or nervous, the visit may be cut short.

9. After the visit, remain silent or speak in a low voice until you are at least 200 meters from the gorillas.

General sanitary standards:

Remember that gorillas are genetically very close to humans, and are therefore very susceptible to human diseases. Grauer’s gorillas are critically endangered, and the transmission of diseases to the animals you are about to observe could be fatal to the survival of the species. The following rules help to minimize the risk that your visit will pose to them:

1. Respect the imposed limits of 8 visitors per group of gorillas per day. This minimizes the risk of disease transmission and stress to the group of gorillas.

2. 15 minutes before arriving at the location of the gorillas, the guides will give you a mask to wear. This reduces the risk of disease transmission.

3. If you are unwell or feel ill, please inform the park tourist staff in advance to find a suitable solution together, which could be rescheduling your visit or refunding you.

4. Always respect the distance of 7 to 10 meters between the gorillas and you. This is to protect them from human disease.

5. DO NOT leave any waste (e.g. food wrappers) in the playpen which could carry disease or other contaminants.

6. If you need to go to the bathroom during the tour, please ask the guide to dig a hole in the ground with a machete. The hole should be 30 cm deep, which you will fill with soil when you are finished.

Essential items to bring for your visit to the gorillas:

1. Bring something to eat (sandwich or other) and enough water to drink.

2. Wear comfortable walking shoes suitable for steep and muddy slopes. Rubber boots can also be an asset.

3. Wear comfortable and loose hiking clothes for walking in the forest. Preferably wear long pants and high socks to avoid itching from insect or plant bites.

4. Have a waterproof jacket, hat/cap or hood in case of rain, sunscreen, insect repellent.

5. Bring a camera or camcorder to capture your visit. The use of flash is prohibited.