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Perfect Gorilla Trek

Rewards from Gorilla Trekking in Africa

Rewards from Gorilla Trekking in Africa

Perfect Gorilla Trek

Gorilla trekking is one of the best wildlife safari experiences in the world. To many wildlife lovers, gorilla trekking is on top on their bucket list! A large number of travelers travel to East and Central Africa majorly to see the gorillas – meeting gorillas in their natural habitat is a life changing event! Top

Gorilla Trekking

6 Tips to Successful Gorilla Trekking in Africa

6 Tips to Successful Gorilla Trekking in Africa

Gorilla Trekking

The world’s largest apes, the Mountain gorillas are critically endangered found only in three places on planet earth. So it’s no surprise that mountain gorilla trekking safaris are increasingly popular in Rwanda, Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo. If you wish to visit Africa to see gorillas, we recommend planning your gorilla safari in advance

Bamboo Shoots

Not Enough Bamboo Shoots in the KBNP?

Not Enough Bamboo Shoots in the KBNP?

Bamboo Shoots

Recently I visited the Kahuzi-Biega National Park, more precisely, the gorilla group of Cimanuka. All gorillas in the highland sector of the KBNP, living in groups or living alone: they move around and feed according to the food availability. It’s their annual habit. For instance they leave the secondary forest and move into the bamboo

Gorilla’ Alternative Diet in Bamboo Forest?

Gorilla’ Alternative Diet in Bamboo Forest?


Gorillas spend more time in the secondary forests than in the bamboo or primary forests or in swamps. In the highland sector of the Kahuzi-Biega National Park, gorillas select plants to eat. They eat its fruits, bark, flowers, roots and shoots. The secondary forest vegetation is dominated by the Dombeya goetzenni, Hagenia abissinica, Neobutonia macrocalyx

Multiple Fights Did not Stop Bonane’s ambitions

Multiple Fights Did not Stop Bonane’s ambitions


Bonane, born in 2003, from the CIMANUKA family. He left his family around (2012) to form his own family with 2 females. A famous and much more visited family in the PNKB with all these individuals accustomed to the human presence. At 15, he began to undergo less aggressive interactions, especially since he remains today

Kahuzi Biega National Park Gets New Head

Kahuzi Biega National Park Gets New Head


It is since January 18, 2018 that Mr. Lucien Gédéon LOKUMU, Director at the Congolese Institute for the Conservation of Nature has left his place to his colleague, Mr. De-Dieu Bya’ombe, also Director at the ICCN. Director Lucien Gédéon is recalled by the hierarchy of the Congolese Institute for the Conservation of Nature, to go